Author Like a Boss
Author Like a Boss Podcast
Connecting With Your Tribe As An Indie Author With Maddie Syn

Connecting With Your Tribe As An Indie Author With Maddie Syn

As an aspiring author, you need to find your tribe, your community. If you are indie publishing, a group of people who are in the same boat as you is all you need. This is what SciFi romance writer, Maddie Syn did. She is an independent author who writes love stories in alien worlds. Some of her works include The Guardians of Re'Utu books and Big Feels. Learn her writing process and what methods work for her. Discover how she started blogging in the erotica genre. Find out what works for you and acknowledge what doesn't work for you. Learn all about that today with your host Ella Barnard as she talks to Maddie about her journey into creative writing.